Used before or after surgery and treatment of uveitis

Cyclopentolate is used to determine refractive errors and in some methods, such as ophthalmoscopy, to dilate the pupil.

The duration of action of this Medicine is 24 hours and it is excreted in the urine.

mydrilate | Mydrilat eye drops 1.

This Medicine is used as one of the diagnostic methods, before or after surgery and treatment of uveitis. Cyclopentolate is used to determine refractive errors and in some methods, such as ophthalmoscopy, to dilate the pupil. Cyclopentolate is a parasympathetic compound, meaning an inhibitor of the parasympathetic system, anticolysic, and is used solely for the purpose of dilating the pupil or paralyzing the ciliary muscles of the eye. By blocking muscarinic receptors, mydrilat dilates the pupil of the eye and prevents objects from conforming to near-eye vision. The duration of action of this Medicine is 24 hours and it is excreted in the urine.

Uses of Cyclopentolate:

– Opening the pupil of the eye, refractive actions of the eye
Dosage of cyclopentolate
Mydriasis / cycloplegia
Apply 1 to 2 drops of 1% solution in the eye. If necessary, the second drop should be poured after 5 minutes.

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